Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Digital News: Brexit, Before and After

Studying “old news” whether close to the present or in the distant past can be eye-opening.  As a historian, I deal with mainstream, scholarly articles and other types of documents from archival sources that present a “before and after” picture of a particular historical event. 

The historic "Brexit" situation, a part of our recent past, is a good example of the need to study a significant event that will have far-reaching effects around the world.  Recent publications and articles published soon after the "Brexit" vote, for example, will assist one in grasping a picture of the dynamics which were of concern before and after the United Kingdom's vote.

For readers already acquainted with the term and events surrounding the word "Brexit" and for those still trying to interpret its meaning in the headlines, this post lists some of the latest news articles before and after Brexit.  First is a definition of Brexit, from the website

Next are the listing of articles appearing before the Brexit vote and then a few articles that have appeared since the Brexit vote.   

(As usual, the URL for each of quoted material appears below the post.  Please note that you should always quote the source of your material whenever you use another author's words, and place that author's sentences and phrases appropriately in quotation marks to distinguish from your own words. )

"BREXIT" Defined

Under “What is 'Brexit'" appears the following definition:

“Brexit is an abbreviation of "British exit", which refers to the June 23, 2016 referendum by British voters to exit the European Union. The referendum roiled global markets, including currencies, causing the British pound to fall to its lowest level in decades. Prime Minister David Cameron, who supported the UK remaining in the EU announced he would step down in October."

“. . . .[T]the June 23rd vote demonstrated that UK citizens believed that Great Britain can survive without the economic cooperation, trade agreements and partnerships that benefitted the country for the past several years. Brexit is tied in with Scotland's membership in the United Kingdom. Scotland had voted to remain in the European Union, and after the narrowly contested vote, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said in a statement on the Scottish National Party’s website that she would explore all options to remain in the EU.”


“Supporters of Brexit had based their opinion on a variety of factors from the global competitiveness of British businesses to concerns about immigration. Britain has already opted out of the EU's monetary union (meaning that it uses the pound instead of the euro) and the Schengen Area (meaning that it does not share open borders with a number of other European states). ‘Out’ campaigners argue that Brussels' bureaucracy is a drag on the British economy and that EU laws and regulations are a threat to British sovereignty."


"Why leaving EU would be disastrous for UK digital scene"
by Karl Flinders
June 16, 2016

"Britain's Cameron calls on business to support staying in EU"
by Reuters
Thursday, 21 January 2016 15:46 GMT
"Many British businessmen say the EU needs deeper reform to secure them the financial advantages they need. They want the single market in the digital and service industries to be developed and bureaucracy to be cut.”

"Davos elites fear weakened European Union"
by Reuters
Friday, 22 January 2016 07:00 GMT
 “. . . four threats to the EU's cohesion this year from the problems in absorbing more than a million migrants while preserving the Schengen open-border area, a possible British vote to leave the bloc, keeping free trade alive and the Internet and digital commerce open.”


"The British are frantically Googling what the E.U. is, hours after voting to leave it"
By Brian Fung June 24

UK Leave vote stuns Europe – 4 ways Brexit is melting the internet
by Sean Keach
24 June 2016

"Post-Brexit Britain: What will happen to the UK's tech scene?subtitle: Now that Britain has voted for Brexit, what does the future hold?"
by Alan Martin
June 24 2016

"Brexit: 5 ways the UK leaving the EU will affect tech firms"
Following, a lead quote: “The UK public's decision to leave the European Union will impact technology firms operating within Britain in a variety of ways. Here's a breakdown for business and tech professionals."
By Nick Heath | June 24, 2016, 9:25 AM PST

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