Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Digital Resource: African News Search Engine

Whether you are interested in browsing information on Africa, conducting business in Africa, or doing research on Africa, the search tool, "African News Search Engine," is worth exploring.  Typically, I check out all URL addresses before posting.  This one, though, has so many URLs that need to be checked, and time has not permitted me yet to do so.  Thus, you may run up against some URLs that are defunct or no longer useful.  Please feel free to notify me, so I can post here on this blog a note to readers. 

According to its website, "This search engine searches through 255 news sources from Africa south-of-the-Sahara."  The source of this text and access to this search engine can be found at:
African News Search Engine

(Please note, in all of my posts, I will include the URL source at the bottom of the announcement.)

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